兩大倫敦時尚名校的街拍PK!Central Saint Martins vs. London College of Fashion

Around campus at Central Saint Martins in London as the fall semester began.

九月是新學期開學的季節,同時也是四大城市fashion week接力賽跑的時候,與時尚緊密相連的兩大倫敦學府Central Saint Martins與London College of Fashion的學生們更以做自己的街拍向倫敦時裝週致敬!由WWD獨家掌鏡在兩所學校校園中捕捉到各式自我風格特色的打扮與搭配,沒有過多社會與年齡的束縛,從古典、街頭潮流,從皮衣、風衣到各式特殊剪裁的褲款等,穿搭就該這麼有趣!本次分別歸納出兩所學校學生不同元素的特色單品搭配,一起來看看倫敦兩大時尚校系的學生們是怎麼穿的吧!喜歡哪所學校學生的穿搭呢?相信大家各有一番獨特見解!

好有型!男性寬褲與垮褲-Central Saint Martins


只有我有這一件、最與眾不同的印花圖騰-Central Saint Martins
在二手市集或古董服飾店挖寶到獨特的vintage印花服飾的那份感動與興奮,與fast fashion品牌截然不同的那份年代感與獨特珍貴,那種「只有我有這一件」的自信可說是無法言喻!運用獨特的印花圖騰單品作為整體造型的主視覺,立即展現自我風格的藝術奔放情感。


不分男女皆能駕馭的one piece與oversized-Central Saint Martins

Around campus at Central Saint Martins in London as the fall semester began.

Around campus at Central Saint Martins in London as the fall semester began.


最道地經典的學生樣:白襪與皮鞋-London College of Fashion
不論是牛津鞋或樂福鞋,配上短筒白襪即是永遠最經典耐看的school style!




舒適與設計感兼具!女性寬褲搭配-London College of Fashion
有越來越多變化設計的寬褲在今年蔚為流行,不論你是Normcore style或是喜愛日式立裁的結構設計,或是帶點俏皮感的滿版印花等,不妨以褲子來做穿搭的主角,用獨樹一格又舒適的褲款行走天下吧!

Around campus at the London College of Fashion as the fall semester began. 

Around campus at the London College of Fashion as the fall semester began. 

Around campus at the London College of Fashion as the fall semester began. 


勝過千言萬語的一件外套-London College of Fashion

Around campus at the London College of Fashion as the fall semester began. 

Around campus at the London College of Fashion as the fall semester began. 

Around campus at the London College of Fashion as the fall semester began. 

Around campus at the London College of Fashion as the fall semester began. 


